Let Me Introduce Myself


I’m on this journey, this journey that I’d never expected. Sometimes things just happen to you that way. In a way that you never expect. I’m from Chicago and I moved to Fresno, California about a month ago. I can’t really say that I expected much. I did some research before I moved and taadaa, here I am. Well I guess it’s not that simple either. I’m an AmeriCorps VISTA. The way I’ve been explaining that since no one has seemed to have heard much about this (well in some places more then others), its like the PeaceCorp just in America, which is exactly what it is. VISTA- Volunteers in Service To America, I’m a volunteer. Well here’s more detail, I’m a volunteer that serves low-income, underprivileged, or the term that I like that I just learned at the office, Higher Opportunity, communities. My goal is capacity building in whatever aspect that relates to my project site, in which mine is Financial Awareness, Community Building, Employment Creation.

The way I got here was by fate if you ask me. It’s something that I didn’t expect but when it came it came at the right time. I applied to work with the AmeriCorps one month, then the next 3 weeks to a month I had 6 interviews lined up. It took me some time to make a decision. The one thing that I kept in mind was this saying, “Faith and Fear are one in the same, you choose which one to follow.” This is the reason why I am here today.

I’ve been here a month and I’ve learned so much. I only hope to continue on this path with purpose. I’ve always wanted to serve my country. In one way or the other, I’ve always wanted to serve and instead of me having to go to war physically with weapons of mass destruction against other countries, I’m here. I’m here to serve my community, mu culture, my people, my country. I’m still able to provide a service, a service of capacity building to a community that is obviously full of opportunity.

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